By Ayo Kalahari Farm
Fri, 17-May-2024, 18:53

Kalahari boer goat's

WELCOME TO EKUNDAYO JOHN GOAT FARM'S. 🚛 🐐 L.T.D 🐐 🚛 (WhatsApp +2348026854954)      

      (call 09078334670)


Kalahar and Boer hybrid red goat available for Pickup well feed strong and healthy treated with good medication for more information please contact farm for booking and delivery     
Kogi state local gym
 Full Address __
Number 13 Abarura Street illela sokoto Nigeria

                     ( WhatsApp +2348026854954)
                     (call 09078334670)

Americans who visited pioneer breeder Mr Ekundayo in 1994 and others who met Louis van Rensburg on his visit to America, liked the goats and encouraged them to produce brown goats. These efforts culminated with the formation of the Kalahari Red Breeder’s Association in 1999. Starting with only a few brown goats, farmers like Tollie Jardaan rose to dominate world goat shows for several years and won several prices in the process. The Kalahari an boer goat's were selected for fecundity, mothering ability, hardiness, adaptability and uniform colouring.

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